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Firstly, What Is The Gut Exactly?


The gut microbiome – which is a collection of bacteria that reside in the gut (including stomach and intestines) influences many bodily functions including cognitive function, behaviour, appetite, metabolism, immunity, and digestive health to name a few.

Gut health plays an incredibly important role in regulating your immunity and immune response.

Experts believe 70% of the immune system is in the gut!

"Good Gut Health Equals Better Immune Health"

How Do The Gut And Immune System Interact?

Immune cells in the gut interact with your gut microbiome. Your gut microbiome is directly influenced by your diet and lifestyle. So you could say, the food and drink you consume is the fuel your immune system uses to arm itself to fight off infections and pathogens.

The better the food you eat, the better you're equipped to fight off infection!

Maintaining a healthy weight through a healthy, balanced diet is an important part of maintaining a healthy immune system.

Keep These Tips In Mind To Help Boost Your Gut Health And Immunity!

1. Eat More Nuts, Veggies, Fruits Wholegrains.
Wholegrains have the fibre we need to bulk up our intestines and move things through (aka poop).

They also feed the bacteria in our microbiome that helps things run smoothly down there.

Eating nuts and wholegrains has been show to increase the number and type of bacteria in our gut.

2. Maintain Healthy Dental Habits
Brushing, flossing and seeing the dentist regularly helps maintain a healthy gut - who would have thought!?

This prevents the build up of bad bacteria in the mouth which can get into the gut and cause trouble.

3. Minimise Artificial Sweetener Intake
Whilst the scientific jury is still out on this, it's always wise to minimise artificial sweetener intake as some studies indicate they may have a negative impact on gut microbiome. You can learn more here
4. Add Spices To Your Cooking!
It never hurts to scatter on the garlic, turmeric, ginger, and other delicious spices. These spices help to rid your gut of harmful bacteria. They also won’t hurt the good bacteria. They're rich in phytochemicals (plant based chemicals that are great for us!).

5. Eat Fermented Foods
These foods include:
• Kimchi
• Sauerkraut
• Kombucha
• Yoghurt

Research shows that people who eat a lot of yoghurt tend to have more lactobacilli (great for preventing diarrhea and skin issues such as eczema) in their intestines. These people also have less Enterobacteriaceae (En-ter-obac-te-ri-aceae), which is a type of bacteria associated with inflammation and some chronic health conditions.

6. Increase Your Intake Of Prebiotics and Probioitics
Prebiotics are special plant fibres that help healthy bacteria grow in your gut. Great sources of prebiotics include those foods listed in point 1 (wholegrains, greens, bananas and more)

Probiotics are bacteria that help keep our guts healthy! The fermented foods listed in point 5 are great sources of probiotics.

You can learn more about the difference between Prebiotics and Probiotics on our previous article. Click here

The Takeaway...

Following these points will help your gut function at its best. A healthy gut means your immune system will be benefiting and strengthened by the best nutrients possilble and help you fight off disease.

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition. It is not medical advice and is general in nature. Consult your doctor before commencing any new exercise or diet program.


Learn more about optimising your gut health and immunity here:
- Connect UCLA Health
- Bluezones
Dylan Founder

Written By
Dylan, Founder @ Hits Different
PN Level 1 Certified

1 comment

  • Seanvale -

    Great post, Good to be here. The information was really good, some time ago I was also suffering from gut health issues that I have to go through a colon cleanse. I would love to read a brief article on gut health. Keep sharing.

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